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WCA News


Dear WCA Community,

Below you can find a summary of some of the notable cases the WDC has worked on, as well as some general WDC updates from the past three months.

The WDC opened 20 new cases and closed 17, this resulted in 7 bans, 7 warnings, and 3 closed with no action. Below, you can find summaries of some notable cases.

  • The WDC investigated a high profile case regarding former delegate Kalindu Sachintha Wijesundara abusing his privileges as delegate to achieve an illegitimate world record 3x3x3 Fewest Moves. You can find the WDC’s announcement here.
  • A competitor was found repeatedly altering the scorecards to achieve better results across multiple events and competitions. Many of the competitor’s scorecards contained suspicious markings on them, such as numbers written over the initial results or times that were scratched out and rewritten. The competitor was confronted by the delegate at a competition and denied accusations initially, but later confessed to doing it for the first time at said competition. The WDC reached out and, when asked when this behavior first occurred, the competitor again claimed it only occurred once. The WDC shared all of the evidence from five separate competitions, and the competitor confessed. The WDC issued a ban and all times with suspicious markings, or where scorecards were no longer available to verify the legitimacy of results, were disqualified.
  • The WDC was contacted by the delegates of a competition after a competitor achieved an unexpectedly fast result. The competitor provided footage of the solve which showed that the competitor was given an incorrect and extremely easy scramble that was not reasonably similar to the generated scramble. The competitor was extremely cooperative with the delegates and the WDC. The WDC contacted the scrambler, who, despite being given multiple opportunities, did not respond, and they were given a short ban for the infraction. The WDC did not have reason to believe that the competitor was involved.
  • An organizer withheld funds from a competition and was uncooperative with the delegates or the WDC. The organizer was given a conditional, permanent ban. The organizer will need to cooperate with the delegates to determine the amount of funds owed and return all funds before reconsideration.
  • The WDC investigated four cases of blindfolded peeking. These resulted in three warnings and one short ban, due to the varying circumstances of each case. The WDC continues to emphasize the importance of correctly holding the sight blocker during blindfolded events.

During the last round of applications from October 2023, the WDC had shortlisted three potential candidates in case we felt more members were required. We would like to use this opportunity to welcome our three newest members: Ignacio Naval (Argentina), Glenn Koster (Kentucky, USA), and Mihnea Andrei Panţu (Romania) to the team!

The WDC also promoted five members to Senior Member: Carter Kucala, Josete Sánchez, Maria Beausang, Matteo Dummar, and Nicholas McKee. All five members were onboarded in December of 2022, and their promotions are well deserved. Congratulations again to each of them!

Do you have questions for the WDC? Feel free to send us an email, or ask your question in the Disciplinary section of the WCA forum.


We are happy to announce we have two new Senior Delegates:

  1. Maverick Pearson - Africa
  2. Sachin Arvind - Asia South and Asia West

They were selected by the WCA Board by voting among them, following Section 4 of our Motion about Senior Delegates.

We extend our support and best wishes to Maverick and Sachin in fulfilling their new responsibilities. Their terms as Senior Delegate started 23 June, 2024.

Maverick was among two applicants we had for the Senior Delegate (Africa) role and both candidacy documents can be found here.

Other than Maverick, the following applicant for Africa was:

  • Samuel Baird

Sachin was among two applicants we had for the Senior Delegate (Asia South and Asia West) role and both candidacy documents can be found here if you are interested in viewing them.

Other than Sachin, the following applicant for Asia South and Asia West was:

  • Abdullah Gulab

We are happy to announce that we have a new Committee Leader. Carter Kucala is the new Leader of the WCA Regulations Committee (WRC). Carter was already working as a senior member of the WRC.

Carter was selected by the WCA Board and approved in a vote among the current Committee Leaders and Senior Delegates, following Section 4 of our Motion about WCA Committees and Teams.

We would like to thank Antonio Kam for the work he has done in leading the WRC for the past 2 years. We wish Carter all the best in this new role.

Carter was among three applicants we had and all the candidacy documents can be found here if you are interested in viewing them.

Other candidates who applied:
- Hao Chang
- Ekaterina Kaneva


Dear WCA Community,

As previously announced, the WCA Disciplinary Committee investigated concerns regarding Kalindu Sachintha Wijesundara’s (2022WIJE02) FMC results at Sri Lankan Nationals FMC 2024, where means of 20.33 and 19.67 were achieved in the first and second rounds respectively.

The full investigation has now concluded. The WDC has discovered evidence of the competitor utilizing online tools and abusing his delegate status to obtain better results. The WDC also believes the competitor knowingly misled the WDC about these facts when presented with this evidence.

Given the unprecedented nature of this case and the extreme breach of trust involved, the WDC spent significant time analyzing the case and deliberating on a punishment. Some of the factors the WDC considered include, but are not limited to:

  • His status as a WCA Delegate and breaking the trust that comes with that role
  • Jeopardizing the results of competitions by analyzing scrambles prior to the competitions, including the use of a third party software
  • Refusal to confess, even when given clear evidence
  • The potential damage to the reputation of the WCA

The full punishment for Kalindu is as follows:

  • A ban of 8 years from competing in all official WCA competitions
  • The immediate removal of his role as Delegate by the WCA Board
  • Disqualification (DNF) of all results achieved by Kalindu at competitions where he was listed as a delegate
    • Exception: Kalindu did not handle scrambles for Sri Lankan Nationals 2024, so those results may remain

The WDC has no reason to doubt the validity of the results obtained by any other competitor at the affected competitions. Therefore, no other result will be affected by our decision.

WCA Delegates hold an incredible amount of responsibility and trust in ensuring fairness at WCA competitions. Any breach of this trust significantly impacts the community locally and globally. The WDC, the WCA Board, and the entire WCA Staff and community are committed to addressing any violations. Any actions that compromise these values will not be tolerated and will continue to be addressed appropriately.

We also emphasize the importance of transparency and accountability in all WCA operations. We affirm our commitment to these principles with the publication of this report to the general public. The entire report, alongside this conclusion, can be found here.

Best regards,
Shain Longbehn (WDC Leader)
On behalf of the WCA Disciplinary Committee


The WCA Competition Announcement Team (WCAT) is seeking new members! The application is open to any WCA community member, but please review the expected tasks and qualities.

The official rights and duties of the WCAT are documented in WCA Motion 10.2021.2.

The tasks of a WCAT member include:

  • Review and announce competitions around the world on a daily basis with accuracy and correctness.
  • Handle change requests to competitions.
  • Engage in frequent discussions through voting within the Team.
  • Make and communicate changes to the WCA Competition Requirements Policy (WCRP).

Applicants are expected to possess the following qualities:

  • Proactive personality, detail-oriented, and solution-oriented mindset.
  • Fluency in English.
  • Availability throughout the day and to commit 5 hours per week to WCAT work.
  • Good familiarity with the WCA Competition Requirements Policy (WCRP) and the WCA competition organizer role.
  • Communication and/or policy-writing skills are not required but are strongly encouraged.
  • Be at least 16 years of age.

Candidacy documents must be in PDF format, and must include:

  • A brief personal introduction.
  • Summary of activities done for the WCA.
  • A concrete overview on how expected qualities are to be fulfilled.
  • (Optional) Qualities and qualifications you find relevant that are not listed above.

The application period is open for applicants to submit their application document from now until July 8th, 2024 23:59 UTC to Zeke Mackay ([email protected]).


Do you like numbers? Are you the type of person quickly spotting typos or inconsistencies in restaurant menus that others miss? Does it drive you crazy when data lacks precision? If yes, then you might be a very good fit for the WRT!

The qualities that you should bring to become a WRT member include:

  • You are very responsive and willing to learn and understand internal processes.
  • You are able to work on WRT tasks regularly.
  • You have a good sense of detail and you are able to handle data precisely and consciously.
  • You are a trusted and reliable member of the WCA community and can responsibly handle access to the WCA database. Ideally, you can provide a recommendation from a WCA Staff member.
  • Existing experience with SQL (MySQL) is beneficial, but not mandatory.

As a WRT member you will work on the following regular tasks:

  • Verifying, uploading and publishing competition results.
  • Handling change requests to results or personal data.
  • Supporting WCA Delegates and other WCA Staff with data-related problems and requests.
  • Investigating inconsistencies in the WCA database.
  • Analyzing the WCA’s data to provide insights for other WCA Staff members.
  • Managing and enforcing the WCA’s Data Protection policies.
  • Handling requests from Registered Speedcubers and WCA Staff on Data Protection matters.

On average, membership of WRT requires approximately 5-6 hours per week. In particular, you should be ready to spend 30-60 minutes at least two times per week for time-critical regular WRT work (e.g. result submissions). There are also internal discussions which need a faster response time.

In return, you will gain a deeper insight into the structure of the WCA and the WCA database, and you will actively contribute to ensuring the integrity of the WCA's competition results. The official rights and duties of the WRT as described in the Motions of the WCA can be found here.

If you are interested in joining the WCA Results Team, please send an application to WRT Leader Callum James Goodyear ([email protected]). The application should at least include a comprehensive description of yourself, showing why you would be a good addition to the WRT, and your motivation / goals for becoming a WRT member.

The application deadline is June 30th 2024 23:59 UTC. Following that date, the applications will be reviewed and discussed among the current WRT members, with possible interviews happening, and final decisions being made shortly thereafter.

We look forward to your application!


With the term of Board Member Blake Thompson coming to an end, an anonymous election took place on June 1st, 2024. The election was conducted according to the WCA Motion: Election of Directors.

The Board received the applications of:

  • Abdullah Gulab
  • Blake Thompson
  • Nick Silvestri

We are happy to announce that the election was successful and that Blake was re-elected and Nick was newly elected member of the WCA Board of Directors.

These changes have become effective immediately.

The applications can be viewed here.


There will be an appointment of a new WCA Regulations Committee Leader, as Antonio Kam is stepping down as the Leader of the WCA Regulations Committee. The WCA would like to take this opportunity to thank Antonio for leading the WRC since November of 2022.

Candidates are expected to fulfill their terms (24 months) and to spend at least 8 hours per week on average to work for the committee.

The qualities expected of candidates are:

  • Strong leadership skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Expert knowledge of Regulations
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Good judgment and decision-making skills
  • Excellent communication skills

The application period for candidates to submit their candidacy documents is from now until May 15th, 2024, 23:59 UTC. Interested candidates can send the application privately to the Executive Assistant Team ([email protected]), CC’ing the WCA Board ([email protected]).

The candidacy documents must be in PDF format, and must include:

  1. Brief personal introduction.
  2. Summary of activities done for the WCA.
  3. Ambitions as the WRC Leader of the WCA.

Candidates are additionally asked to send a copy of their applications which can be made public at the end of the application period.

The rights and duties of the WRC can be found in WCA Motion 10.2021.9.

After the application period, the WCA Board will make a selection by voting and will announce the new Leader, after confirmation among Senior Delegates and sitting Committee/Team Leaders by voting, as described in Section 4 of WCA Motion 10.2022.0.

Thanks for your candidacies and support.


Dear WCA Community,

So far, this year has been a productive one for the WRC! We would like to share some of our progress with you.

Firstly, 10 new members joined the WRC (committee page) and their contributions have been extremely helpful to the team. We’re looking forward to seeing what the future holds for the WRC and how this shapes our decisions and responses to the community.

For added clarity, we have released two different visual guides, one for 5b5f and one for 3j. We aim to issue more guidance to the WCA community for other regulations as we see fit.

With more cubers than ever, the WCA has been able to organize a huge number of competitions! Naturally, the increase in competitions comes with an increase in incidents. Here are some of the more notable resolved incidents:

  1. A solving station with a QiYi timer was set up near the competing area, in order for competitors to familiarize themselves with how to handle timers so as to not damage the official Speed Stacks timers at the solving stations. Unfortunately, many competitors and staff confused this “training station” for an official station, and this non-permitted timer was used for several attempts, violating Regulation 7f1a. Because it was impossible to determine with certainty which attempts used the timer, the WRC decided to remove all results for this competition.
  2. A competitor attempted to stop the timer without their palms facing down, violating A4b. Immediately after this, they attempted to stop the timer again with their palms correctly facing down. Both competitor and judge were unsure when the timer was actually stopped, and no video evidence was available. Since no extra attempt was available the WRC has decided to keep the original time as it is not clear if the competitor has done anything wrong.
  3. A competitor had their hands quite close to a covered clock pre-inspection and, as the judge lifted the cover, the clock fell over and a turn was unintentionally applied by the competitor to one of the dials. While the puzzle falling over was the judge's fault, the move was applied by the competitor, which led to a change in the inner clock faces that counts as a DNF (F4). Also, since any moves applied by the competitor in inspection (except those that are within the limits outlined by 10f) are illegal (A3c1), the WRC decided that the correct penalty was a DNF.
  4. After stopping the timer the competitor turned a Pyraminx tip that was misaligned by 120 degrees, but there was disagreement between the judge and the competitor whether it was turned more than 60 degrees or less. While turns greater than 60 degrees count as a move (10f3), and applying a move after stopping the timer is a DNF (A6e1), merely touching the puzzle without applying a move is a +2 (A6e2). The WRC decided that the correct penalty is DNF since it is possible that a move has been applied.
  5. In an unconventional situation, a power cut that ensued during an FMC attempt resulted in poor lighting for about 3 minutes, during which the attempt was “paused” and the lost time added to the end of the attempt for all competitors. After an internal voting process, the WRC decided that the decision of the delegates to have everyone stop for 3 minutes didn’t pose an unfair advantage to any competitor in any way. In general, the WRC advised against giving extra time for an FMC attempt, and to instead cancel the attempt altogether or give an extra attempt if at all possible.
  6. A judge applied an unintentional turn to a clock as they were checking to see if it was solved after a competitor’s attempt was done. This created a difficulty in verifying that the competitor had actually solved the puzzle by the end of their attempt. However, upon reviewing video evidence, the WRC was able to conclude that the exact state of the back of the clock was only possible with the one move made by the judge and that it would have been solved otherwise. On these grounds, the puzzle was considered solved by the competitor.
  7. Several competitions utilizing TimeBase reported incidents where the signed results on the score sheets differed from the results logged on TimeBase databases. As TimeBase is an unofficial system not yet defined in the Regulations, a discussion between the WRC and WRT and a subsequent ruling by the WCA Board came to the conclusion that the score sheet results should stand. Due to the fact that score sheets are defined as the source material for results, it should be the main source that should be deferred to in case of such a discrepancy. While systems similar to TimeBase have the potential to dramatically improve the flow of competitions and to greatly simplify the work needed to ensure that competitions run smoothly, it is not yet officially endorsed, and as such disputes concerning errors in results concerning them will continue to use scorecards as reference.
  8. A competitor handed in an FMC solution containing an arrow. The solution would have been correct without the arrow, and even with the arrow the move sequence was still unambiguous (E2c2). However, since the arrow was written in a place where it had to be counted as part of the solution, and since E2c4+ explicitly mentions arrows as forbidden symbols, the delegates decided to DNF the attempt. The WRC and the Board decided to uphold this decision following two appeals, but the WRC will revisit this part of the FMC regulations in the next regulation cycle.
  9. A competitor forgot to lift a sight blocker attached to a harmonica holder during the execution phase of their solve. The competitor had started execution for around 30 seconds before the Delegate noticed the situation and a sight blocker was placed. Seeing that it is the judge’s responsibility to ensure that there is an opaque sight blocker as per Regulation B4c, in addition to the fact that the competitor was established as trustworthy and did not appear to have taken advantage of the situation, the original result was allowed to stand under Guideline B4c++.
  10. Post-competition, a competitor found that two attempts of their average had been incorrectly scrambled by the same scrambler using a different orientation than the standard green-front, white-top. Events potentially affected by a z2 scrambling error (including 3x3) are not usually orientation dependent, because most of these events have their vast majority of competitors as dual-color neutral. The WRC found that since most competitors are able to start their attempts on opposite colors, the attempt would be allowed to stand seeing as there was no significant advantage or disadvantage posed to the competitor.

If you have any questions for the WRC, feel free to reach out to us via email or on the WCA Forum!


Dear WCA Community,

In the last three months, the WDC has opened 17 cases and closed 17, with some closed cases originating in late 2023. Of the closed cases, two have resulted in a ban and seven have resulted in formal warnings. Some of the details of the cases can be found below.

  • An anonymized, public report was written about a competitor turning during inspection over a long period of time. The competitor was banned for 2-years and 6-months from competing. The details can be found here.
  • A young competitor was found repeatedly using portions of the inverse scramble when competing in FMC, while deliberately trying to cover their solution with rotations. The competitor was given a formal warning and the delegates were advised to check future attempts carefully.
  • A couple cases related to touching, poking, and/or hugging other competitors without asking permission. The WDC would like to remind everyone to respect personal spaces and boundaries, and to always ask before touching another person.
  • A competitor contacted a delegate confessing to two past episodes of cheating. These included insisting on a faster result for an ambiguously written time, and applying a move after stopping the timer. Given the context of the situation and advice from the delegate, the WDC decided that no further action was necessary.
  • The WDC has opened several cases recently of competitors stopping the timer early and peaking under the blindfold. These incidents can be avoided by attentive judging and sufficient judge training. The WDC would like to remind judges to stay focused during a solve and to hold sight blockers appropriately, as well as remind delegates to further emphasize the importance of attentive judging at their competitions.

In February, a vote among Senior Delegates and Committee Leaders was held to select a new leader for the WDC following the end of Sebastiano Tronto’s term. I, Shain Papalotl Longbehn, was elected as the new WDC leader. I am grateful for the opportunity to lead this team of passionate and intelligent individuals. Thank you once again to Sebastiano for his commitment to the team the last three years.

Do you have questions for the WDC? Feel free to send us an email, or ask your question in the Disciplinary section of the WCA forum.


The WCA Ethics Committee is seeking new members! The applications are open to everyone; it’s not a requirement to hold a current position in the WCA to apply.

What does the WEC do?

This committee’s role is to ensure that all WCA Staff abide by the Code of Ethics, maintain the Code of Ethics, and to perform investigations if the conduct of any of these members is not compliant with the Code of Ethics. The WEC is a confidant for Registered Speedcubers who may report concerns and request an investigation. This committee also functions as the board of appeal if anyone involved disagrees with a decision made by the WCA Disciplinary Committee.

Expectations/Requirements for Candidates:

  • Time commitment of at least 4 hours per week.
  • Proficiency in English
  • Trustworthiness with sensitive information
  • Maintain activity over email/Slack
  • Clear background
  • At least 16 years of age

Additionally, the following qualities are not required but would a plus on an application:

  • Understanding of GitHub
  • Professional writing abilities
  • Project management skills
  • Extensive familiarity with WCA competitions and procedures

Candidacy documents should be in PDF format, and must include:

  • A brief personal introduction
  • Summary of activities done within the cubing community
  • Motivation for applying to WEC
  • Other relevant skills/experience

Applications should be sent to [email protected] from now until Saturday, April 20th, 2024, 23:59 UTC to be considered.

Applicants can expect a reply to confirm the receipt of the application, and may later receive a request to be interviewed. If you have any questions related to the application process, then do not hesitate to reach out first.

Thank you for your interest in the WEC and the WCA!


Dear WCA Community,

The Disciplinary Committee has concluded an investigation on a case of cheating by a well-known competitor in multiple events spanning several competitions in 2022 and 2023. As a result, they have been banned for 2-years and 6-months from competing, ending on June 24th, 2026.

The WDC allowed the competitor to submit footage for review. Any result that the WDC could not determine as valid has been disqualified. As specified in Regulation 9t, if there was any change where the competitor would not have advanced to the next round, all results of the competitor for those subsequent rounds were removed.

Since this competitor is well-known in the community and is still a record holder, the WDC decided to make the report for this investigation public. The intention is to explain the reasons behind our decision and provide insight on how the Committee works.

The WDC has elected to fully anonymize this report and the video evidence due to the age of the accused competitor. The WDC strongly discourages the community from publicizing the name of the accused competitor for this reason. The full report can be found here.

Best regards,
Shain Longbehn (WDC Leader)
On behalf of the WCA Disciplinary Committee


The WCA Advisory Council (WAC) is seeking new members to assist the council.

What is the WAC and what do they do?

The biggest task of the WAC is to be an intermediary between the community and the WCA Staff - to give the community a voice when important topics are being discussed. The Community Representatives will be a vital part of that process. More information about the main functions of the WAC can be found here: WCA Motion 20.2021.01

The council has 2 sub-teams - Community Representatives and WCA Representatives. This announcement is for both Community Representatives and WCA Representatives member positions. You can apply to either of them depending on whether you are a WCA staff member or not.

The key projects of the council are management of the WCA forum and gathering community feedback useful for the WCA by working on annual surveys and competition surveys.

The qualities expected of candidates are:

  • Communication: Internal communication is done in English, so an intermediate standard of English is required.

  • Work Ethic: Members will be expected to contribute regularly and not ignore messages for many days. The expected time commitment is 2-4 hours per week on tasks for the council.

  • Innovation: There will be significant time spent discussing our methods of working and doing a lot of idea gathering on topics to focus on. If you think that the WCA is currently perfect then you probably aren’t the person for this!

  • Interest: An enjoyment to discuss WCA matters among the community is ideal.

  • Maturity: Online discussions will need to be thought-provoking and productive. When providing community feedback you’ll be representing the community and not your own views.

  • Specialisations: The goal of the team is to cover a wide spectrum of the community and therefore members can partly focus on certain areas that they are knowledgeable and passionate about. This could be a geographical area, or any sort of “category” of cuber e.g. South American cuber, Oceania cuber.

The application period is open for candidates to submit their candidacy document from now until April 30, 2024, 23:59 UTC to Abhijeet Ghodgaonkar ([email protected])

The candidacy documents must be submitted in PDF format, and should include the following:

  • Your Name
  • A brief personal summary
  • A summary of involvement in the WCA competitions and WCA teams
  • Ideas as a member of the WCA Advisory Council

Thank you in advance for your candidacies and support!


We are happy to announce that Perth, Western Australia will be hosting the 2024 WCA Oceanic Championship , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia will be hosting the 2024 WCA Asian Championship and Cape Town, South Africa will be hosting the 2024 WCA African Championship.

We would also like to thank Astana, Kazakhstan for applying for the WCA Asian Championship 2024.

You can view the application documents here (WCA Asian Championship), here (WCA Oceanic Championship) and here (WCA African Championship).


We are happy to announce that we have a new Committee Leader. Shain Longbehn will become the new Leader of the WCA Disciplinary Committee (WDC). Shain was already working as a member of the WDC.

Shain was selected by the WCA Board and approved in a vote among the current Committee Leaders and Senior Delegates, following Section 4 of our Motion about WCA Committees and Teams.

We would like to thank Sebastiano Tronto for the significant work he has done in leading the WDC for the past 3 years. We wish Shain all the best as he takes on his new responsibilities.

Shain was the only applicant for the role and his successful candidacy document can be seen here.


Dear WCA Community,

We are writing to inform you of a change to the WCA Board of Directors. Somya Srivastava has concluded her service on the Board, effective today, Friday 26th January.

We are grateful to Somya for her contributions during her time on the Board. Her dedication to advancing the WCA’s mission and spirit has been valuable.

The Board of Directors is committed to ensuring a smooth transition. We are confident in the future of our organization and remain dedicated to fulfilling our mission.


The WCA Marketing Team is seeking new members!

What does the WCA Marketing Team Do?

The WMT is responsible for branding and marketing of the WCA through initiatives, managing WCA relationships with media and external partners, managing and coordinating the WCA Merchandise and increasing awareness of speedcubing around the world through collaborations and advertising.

Why join the WMT?

Have you ever wondered, “‘Wow, cubing is so much fun, I wish more people knew about it”? Have you found excitement by getting friends to go to a WCA competition? Have you ever wanted competitions to have higher stakes, bigger venues, prizes, and audiences? The WCA Marketing Team has too, and we want you to help us get there! With the immense growth of the WCA, this is the perfect opportunity to make your ideas of growing cubing turn into reality!

Here are some of the projects WMT is currently working on:

The application is open to everyone. Potential applicants do not have to hold a current position to be considered.

Minimum Requirements for Applicants

  • Interest in marketing the WCA and our brand
  • Proficiency in English
  • Able to commit at least 4 hours per week including attending monthly meetings
  • Creative mind and good communication skills

Specific Skills we are looking for (any of these is a huge plus):

  • Experience in writing Press Releases and working with traditional press outlets
  • Experience with design tools like Adobe & Canva
  • Experience with Shopify
  • Experience in merchandising, email marketing or digital advertising
  • Based in Europe/Africa/Oceania/South America (WMT lacks members from these regions)

Applicants should submit a PDF application including a brief personal introduction, their involvement with the WCA, their motivation for applying to the WMT, and any relevant experience or skills.

Applications should be sent to [email protected] from now until February 4th, 2024, 23:59 UTC to be considered.


The WCA Regulations Committee (WRC) is looking for new members. Interested community members of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. The applications are open to everyone; it’s not a requirement to hold a current position in the WCA to be considered.

What does the WRC do?

The official rights and duties of the WRC are documented in WCA Motion 10.2021.9.

The qualities and requirements expected of candidates are:

  • Regularly check and respond to emails (5-10 emails/day).
  • Objectively apply the letter and spirit of the WCA Regulations.
  • Compassionately and constructively discuss how to address incidents.
  • Time commitment of 5-10 hours per week.

The following are not required, but it would be useful for new WRC members to have additional experience with any of the following:

  • Writing fluent, clear English while communicating across language differences.
  • Cubing community discussions, online or offline.
  • The history of the WCA Regulations.
  • Using GitHub and/or writing code (especially Python, JavaScript, Java, Ruby on Rails).
  • Project management, leadership, addressing organizational incentives, advocacy, and/or legal work.

The priority application period is open for candidates to submit their candidacy document from now until February 4th, 2024, 23:59 UTC privately to Antonio Kam ([email protected]). Candidacy documents must be in PDF format, and must include:

  • A brief personal introduction.
  • A summary of experiences/accomplishments to demonstrate that you can meet the requirements.
  • What motivates you to join the WRC?
  • Do you have any topics/issues that you are passionate about helping the WRC improve?
  • Optionally, any additional experience that is relevant to WRC work.

You can expect a reply to confirm whether your application is complete, and may receive a request for an interview with the WRC.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate in reaching out to Antonio Kam ([email protected]).

Thank you for your interest in assisting the WRC and the WCA!


We are happy to announce that we have a new Committee Leader. Callum Goodyear will become the new Leader of the WCA Results Team (WRT). Callum was already working as a senior member of the WRT.

Callum was selected by the WCA Board and approved in a vote among the current Committee Leaders and Senior Delegates, following Section 4 of our Motion about WCA Committees and Teams.

We would like to thank Sébastien Auroux for the significant work he has done in leading the WRT for the past 9 years. We wish Callum all the best as he takes on his new responsibilities.

Callum was the only applicant for the role and his successful candidacy document can be seen here.


The WCA Communication Team (WCT) is seeking members to help with managing and creating WCA social media posts or graphic design for social media posts and other projects!

Applications are open to everyone and community members not currently holding a WCA position can apply.

What does the WCT do?

  • Answers daily enquiries to the WCA through emails and the contact page on the WCA website.
  • Manages official WCA social media platforms through frequent and engaging posts
  • Works with other WCA leaders to improve the WCA website and communications to the community

The official rights and duties of the WCT are documented in Motion 10.2021.1 - Communication Team.

Workflow Outline

  • We try to reply to all emails and DMs within a 24 hour period and having more members gives the WCT more opportunities to be reactive.
  • Social media posts are planned at least 2 days in advance and are posted when members are available.
  • Internal emails regarding other WCT projects are answered within 48 hours and other work may come from those projects that take various amounts of time.
  • Time commitment per week is between 2-5 hours.

Characteristics we are looking for

  • Social media knowledge: You should be familiar with many social media platforms and their basic functions. While you may not have used them personally, you will have to post to them as the WCA and should know what type of content goes on each.
  • Fluent English: Our posts on most social media platforms are in English and we answer most emails in English. We do, however, receive emails in many different languages and having people responding in the sender’s native language is always appreciated. For this, we do welcome those that are fluent in other languages alongside English.
  • Communication skills: You should be able to write a professional, concise email to answer competitor questions and to convey a thorough knowledge of the WCA resources for competitors. You will be responsible for writing social media posts that are appropriate and convey the mission of the WCA.
  • Patience: Always maintaining professionalism when answering the same question many times is hard, but necessary for our day-to-day communications. You should keep friendly communications within our email and social media interactions.

If you are applying as a Graphics Designer, then you should have experience working with Adobe Photoshop or any similar programs.

The application document must be in PDF format, and should include the following:

  • A brief personal introduction
  • Your involvement with the WCA
  • Your motivation for applying to the WCT
  • Your skills that are relevant to the WCT

Please send the application in PDF format to ([email protected]) from now until Thursday, January 25th, 2024, 23:59 UTC to be considered.

Applicants can expect a reply to confirm the receipt of the application, and may later receive a request to be interviewed. If you have any questions related to the application process, then do not hesitate to reach out to Zain Ali ([email protected])

Thank you for your interest in assisting the WCT and the WCA!


The World Cube Association (WCA), the official governing body for competitive speedcubing, is gearing up for an exciting initiative: WCA Newcomer Month - a month-long celebration in March 2024 designed to welcome everyone, from curious beginners to seasoned enthusiasts, into the exhilarating world of competitive speedcubing.

Why Participate?

  • Experience the thrill of competition: Whether you're lightning-fast or a slow-and-steady solver, there's a place for everyone.
  • Join a vibrant community: Immerse yourself in a welcoming and supportive environment where experienced cubers are eager to share their knowledge and passion.
  • Challenge yourself and unlock your potential: Test your skills, improve your times, and discover the satisfaction of conquering the cube under pressure.

WCA Newcomer Month offers something for everyone:

  • First-timers: Compete with confidence, knowing there are many others taking their first steps.
  • Seasoned enthusiasts: Rekindle your passion, connect with fellow cubers, and mentor newcomers.
  • Parents and educators: Introduce the next generation to a stimulating and rewarding activity that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and dexterity.

"WCA Newcomer Month is about breaking down barriers and making competitive speedcubing accessible to everyone," says Ethan Pride, WCA Executive Director. "We believe Newcomer Month will create a bridge between newcomers and experienced cubers, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie within the WCA."

Ready to join the celebration?

  • Mark your calendars for March 2024! Competition details will be announced in January.
  • Visit the WCA website or to find competitions near you and register for the ultimate cubing challenge.
  • Follow #WCANewcomerMonth on social media for updates, inspiring stories, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the world of competitive speedcubing.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience the magic of the cube, ignite your competitive spirit, and become part of a global community.

Founded in 2004, the World Cube Association (WCA) is the official governing body for competitive speedcubing. It sets standardized rules, tracks official records, and fuels a thriving community across 143 countries. In its 20 year history, there have been over 7,000 sanctioned competitions and 150,000 unique participants at WCA competitions. The WCA is a champion for inclusivity and celebrates the passion for solving the iconic 3x3x3 Cube and other twisty puzzles in record-breaking time. The current World Record for the 3x3x3 now stands at 3.13 seconds set in 2023 by the legendary American speedcuber, Max Park.


Dear WCA Community,

With another year passing, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect on what we have achieved together as a wonderful community. This year, there were 2,138 competitions across 99 countries, double of what it was last year! Over 37,500 competitors competed for the first time in 2023. Competitions continued to fill up due to high demand, the fastest being filled in just 5 seconds! What brought even more excitement to the competitions were the records being broken with a total of 3,857 National Records, 294 Continental Records and 53 World Records just this year! We also welcomed seven new Regional Organizations from around the world which will improve the planning of competitions in those areas going forward.

We extend our appreciation for the meticulous planning by the organizers that enabled the return of the WCA World Championship in 2023 after a four-year gap along with which we also had in-person Annual Members and Staff meetings. The invaluable support of the RUBIK'S CUBE® team, through their sponsorship, played a pivotal role in making this event possible.

Regarding the WCA organization, we express our gratitude to those who volunteered and dedicated their time as Delegates, Staff Members, or both. With each call for applicants, we received numerous high-quality applications from individuals who had not previously held a position in the WCA. This influx allowed us to expand our teams, distributing the workload more evenly across Committees/Teams and enhancing the overall efficiency of the organization. In total, we welcomed 37 new Committee/Team members and six Committee/Team/Council Leaders.There were also changes in the Board of Directors, including the addition of two new members, Kerrie Jarman and Michael Chai (柴天方), and the re-election of Ethan Pride, now serving his third term. Additionally, we celebrated significant Delegate promotions, including one Senior Delegate, 52 Delegates, 141 Junior Delegates, and 164 Trainee Delegates. The contributions of all these volunteers are invaluable, and we cannot thank anyone who dedicates their time to the WCA enough for their essential role in our work!

With the additional help from new members, our Committees and Teams accomplished so much in 2023! The WCA Communication Team posted over 158 times on social media and also covered 23 competitions through our Instagram stories, allowing those on the other side of the world to follow these events. The WCA Advisory Committee monitored over 7,400 posts and 471 topics on the WCA Forum. The WCA Marketing Team fulfilled 78 gear orders and achieved 500+ sales in WCA merchandise. The WCA Software Team had 255 merged pull requests and 116 translation updates. Despite the increase in competitions, the WCA Results Team posted competition results in an average of 8.49 hours. The WCA Competition Announcement Team significantly reduced the time it took to approve competitions, dropping the average from 34.9 hours in 2022 to 12.3 hours in 2023! The WCA Regulations Committee released updated regulations in February and August while the WCA Quality Assurance Committee added new useful resource guide documents to the WCA Educational Resources section. The WCA Executive Assistants Team managed to keep track of all organizational changes and announcements internally throughout the year, which was a lot to handle! In 2023 the WCA Financial Committee, through its Equipment Funding efforts, successfully supplied competition equipment to 21 countries. This included 242 stackmat timers, 113 displays, and various other miscellaneous competition items. Additionally, through their Travel Funding program, they facilitated the travel of Delegates to 2 countries lacking a Delegate, resulting in the hosting of 3 competitions. The total expenditure for these programs in 2023 amounted to approximately $19,500. In addition to that, the WCA has also made significant investments to enhance our website and, for the first time, enlisted paid contractors. We are already experiencing substantial progress, with even more visible improvements expected early in 2024, including a revamped registration system.

Just as important is the work of the WCA Archive Team, which is dedicated to maintaining the past records of the WCA and the WCA Sports Organization Team, working towards the recognition of the WCA as an international sports organization. The WCA Disciplinary Committee and the WCA Ethics Committee who ensure that the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics are being followed, respectively. The WCA Board works tirelessly every day, making crucial decisions while leading the WCA organization from the front.

As we welcome the new year, we remain committed to enhancing our organization to the fullest extent possible. We value input from every member of our community and encourage everyone to share their experiences through our upcoming Community Survey, scheduled for release in May-June 2024. Keep an eye out for it! We have also announced the location for the World Championship 2025, which is Seattle, USA.
Once again, our successful year would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of our volunteers, who generously contribute their time and resources to the community every day. As we bid farewell to 2023, we wish everyone moments of celebration and joy.

Wishing you a safe and Happy New Year!


Dear WCA Community,

In the last 3 months the Disciplinary Committee has worked on many cases of cheating and inappropriate behavior. We have also onboarded some new members, enabling us to spread this work with more ease among the team. At the same time, the diversity provided by a large team helps analyze all the incidents from different points of view.

During 2023 we have opened 77 new investigations, a handful of which are still ongoing. In this last digest of the year we would like to discuss two of the cases that we have recently worked on.

The first of these two cases is related to events that happened back in 2020, when a competitor was banned for stealing a cube from a fellow cuber. The ban did not have a set end date, but was conditional on returning the stolen cube and responding to the questions posed by the WDC.

In 2022, the thief tried to evade the ban by signing up with a new WCA account. The delegates of the competition realized this only at the time of submitting the results, as the WCA website informed them of a possible clash of identities between the two accounts. The competitor did not reply to our questions about this incident.

Finally, in the fall of 2023 the competitor communicated to us that they had come to an agreement with the victim of the theft about the stolen cube. The WDC was able to confirm this, but we decided that the attempt of evading the ban deserved some punishment. Therefore, we set the end date of the ban to 6 months after the time the competitor came forward to us.

The second case is about a record-holding competitor being caught cheating by making moves in inspection in multiple events. We have been able to prove that this behavior has been going on for at least one year.

The competitor has been generally uncooperative, denying any wrongdoing until we provided them with complete video evidence. As such, we decided it was not possible to trust the competitor when they claimed the illicit behavior started, and we opted for disqualifying all of their results. However, we offered them the option of reinstating some of the results if sufficient video evidence is provided. We plan to share a public report of the incident in the near future.

In relation to the last incident discussed above, we unfortunately have to remark that there has been some public discussion on this case that may have had a negative effect on our investigation. For example, if a competitor is alerted that some of their YouTube videos contain proof of their cheating, they may be able to remove them from their channel before the Disciplinary Committee can watch them or download them. We would like to ask all community members not to interfere with any disciplinary investigation that they are aware of, and to limit themselves to reporting any incident to the WDC rather than bringing it to public attention.

To conclude this digest, I would like to give a final message as the leader of the Disciplinary Committee. In fact, my second mandate will be ending in February and I am not going to continue in this role after that time - the selection process for a new leader has already started.

My time as a WDC leader started during the COVID times, which was definitely an unusual period for our activities. But even ignoring this, the WCA has gone through constant change during this time - the size of the cubing community alone has increased considerably. This means that we - the WCA in general, and the WDC in particular - had and will have to keep adapting to these changes. I am confident we will be successful in this.

One thing that has not changed throughout the years is the desire of community members to step up and help the WCA with their energy and skills - something I had the pleasure to witness in the two calls for applicants that opened during my leadership. This is not something to be taken for granted, and I am delighted to be part of a volunteer-based organization as successful as the WCA. Thank you all for your help!

Best regards,
Sebastiano Tronto
On behalf of the WCA Disciplinary Committee


We are happy to announce that we have a new Team Leader. Zeke Mackay will become the new Leader of the WCA Competition Announcement Team (WCAT). Zeke was already working as a member in the team.

Zeke was selected by the WCA Board and approved in a vote among the current Committee Leaders and Senior Delegates, following Section 4 of our Motion about WCA Committees and Teams.

We thank Wilson Alvis for the work he has done for the WCAT and extend our support and best wishes to Zeke as he takes on his new responsibilities.

Zeke was the only applicant for the role and his successful candidacy document can be seen here.


We are happy to announce that we have a new Team Leader. Zain Ali will become the new Leader of the WCA Communication Leader (WCT). Zain was already working as a member in the team.

Zain was selected by the WCA Board and approved in a vote among the current Committee Leaders and Senior Delegates, following Section 4 of our Motion about WCA Committees and Teams.

We thank Rui Reis for the work he has done for the WCT and extend our support and best wishes to Zain as he takes on his new responsibilities.

There were two applications for the role and Zain’s successful candidacy document can be seen here.